Saturday, March 1, 2008

Birthday(ish) Blog

I turned 36 a few days ago, which means I'm officially over half way to retirement (assuming retiring at 70). My birthday week has been particularly naughty, doing a lot of things that I shouldn't at the moment! On Wednesday evening Fi and I went to Zürich to see The Cure in concert ( It's hard to believe that I've been listening to them for 20 years and this was the first chance to actually see them live...... they were excellent, playing with real power and obvious enthusiasm for their art. I'm starting to think that it would be worth flying over to see them in New York in June.... just wonder if there will be as many Goths in the US?

There have been a few late nights and beers this week, so now I'm on an alcohol ban for a couple of weeks. Recently I've been out on the bike for between one and two hours every day. Strictly "piano" keeping my pulse down to 140BPM. Encouragingly I seem to be able to get more out of my 140 beats every time I go out which, I hope is a reflection on my fitness. I'm even starting to get used to going slowly...... especially last weekend when we had some freak spring like weather and the temperature went up to 22°C. It's just a bit strange getting passed by old guys! Currently I'm sitting out a particularly British spell of weather and looking forward to getting out on the bike later.

I have to wait for the rain to stop as my bike will fill up with water if I go out now. Seriously! I was cleaning my bike and found a puncture hole through the down tube close to the bottom bracket. Must have been an off road wound from last year. I was wondering why the frame was creaking (thought it was the carbon seat pin). I'll have to got to Bike Point later and see about getting a new one. Tommi and Hubbi will be pleased to see me.........

With the increased exercise levels, my weight is dropping quite quickly. Next week I'll start riding home from work to make sure I get two hours a day.... that means I should be nicely light weight in time for the first local race in May ( Don't tell my cardioloist!

Since Fi bought me a PlayStation 3 for my birthday, I'm going to have to be really disciplined. The "house rule" is that I'm not allowed to use it until I've done at least an hours exercise. I really hope that rain stops soon........

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