Sunday, August 10, 2008

....and Relax!

It's Sunday morning and life is starting to return to it's normal Hellikon quietness. Just a few cows mooing and some kites calling. Carla, Steve and the girls left yesterday and now the house seems strangely empty. I'm knackered... don't know how these parents do it! Yesterday I went to bed for a couple of hours recovery!

Most of my tiredness is due to the bike ride that Steve and I did on Friday morning. OK, for Steve it was probably a bit of a potter, but for me 80Km with 1500m of climbing was the hardest ride I've done in a couple of years.... and certainly since the heart attack. I had forgotten how well Steve climbs so spent a lot of the ride on my own. It was fun though and has shown that I can still do a serious ride. Next time 100Km....

Interesting to see the Spanish still dominating in sport with a win in the Olympic mens road race. I was suprised that it wasn't Valvedere after his ride in San Sebastian, however, he was well marked I suppose. It was great to see Fabian Cancilara getting the Bronze for Switzerland, surely just rewards for his efforts in the Tour de France.

Fi and I are off for a ride later. We'll put the bikes in the car and find some flat roads on the other side of the Jura. I also plan to get a few Geocaches today as my colleague at work (PaMaKiKi) is fast catching me up.

We had our tandem serviced a coupe of weeks ago as we plan to do a tandem club run with the VC Zeiningen at the end of the month. Somehow the guys in he shop managed to put a big dent in the top tube. Aaaargghhh! I could have cried. Our beautiful tandem. Now I don't feel so bad about buying a mountain bike from Fuchters in Rheinfelden.....

Oh well, it's nearly 10AM... time for breakfast.

1 comment:

Lollo said...

Hi Steve
well done to Cookie indeed and thx from all the Swiss for the nice remarks for Fabian Cancellara :-) (easy to say though with a GB Gold medal in the pocket ;-) ).
But why did you have to do 10 (TEN!) caches in one day?!? Grrr... we were sneaking up from behind and catching up so nicely to just a gap of 3 we thought: now it's 13 again! I know, you're not competitive at all :-D
See you soon at work (and then...!)